A user is not able to modify or change the records of all database at the time CubeMaster client is opened because the buttons [New], [Delete] and [...] are disabled on the Cargoes, Groups, Cartons, Pallets, Sea Containers, Trucks and ULDs Database Views as shown below.
A user should become a Supervisor to enable editing the database with the following steps.
Go to Tools menu.
Choose [Login as Supervisor] and open a new window [Login].
Choose [Default Supervisor], press a button [Login], and open a new window [Prompt].
Enter a password 'cubemaster' in the prompt of the window.
Press button [OK] and close the window.
Once a user became a supervisor, all buttons [New], [Delete] and [...] are enabled back on the Cargoes, Groups, Cartons, Pallets, Sea Containers, Trucks and ULDs Database Views as shown below.
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